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KNITS by cindy ekman

Sock Trio needles • 3 pcs

Sock Trio needles • 3 pcs

13 total reviews

Regular price €13,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €13,90 EUR
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Avoid getting your needles wet.
They are though very durable.

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Forget about double pointed needles after trying these!

The hyped Sock Trio knitting needle set.

Do you love sock needles, but also think magic loop is a pretty decent thing? Then these Sock Trios are made for you! The perfect in-between.

The comfortable grip like sock needles but less clinging and needles falling through.

Once you go Sock Trio - you never go back, atleast I didn't.

Our medium-pointy needles feature a smooth joining and durable wire cables.

Our needle sets are made in China.


If you love knitting socks or are looking to start, our Sock Trio Needles Set is for you. Crafted with your knitting needs in mind, these needles ensure a smooth and enjoyable knitting experience. The set comes with three needles, designed for optimal sock knitting.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

Very happy with my purchase. Sock knitting has never been smoother, it’s like something between knitting with magic loop and sock needles. Would be good if the size of the needle was ingraved in the needle though!

Laura Ikonen
Mahtavat matkapuikot!

Ostin kesällä Folkkia ja villaa-tapahtumasta kokeiluun nämä puikot koossa 2.50mm. Ihan mahtavat puikot, etenkin matkailuun! Neuloin ensin kokeiluna yhden sukkaparin ja nyt on ties kuinka mones pari putkeen menossa. Tykästyin, luo mukavasti vaihtelua neulearkeen ;) Lähiaikoina varmaan lähdössä tilaukseen muitakin kokoja.

Anna-Maria Viklander
Trevliga stickor

Roligt att prova att sticka med dessa tre stickor. Ett mycket bra alternativ och mellanting mellan strumpstickor och magic loop. Perfekt för ändamålet!

Anni Norja

Ensin tuntui hieman oudolta käyttää mutta kyllä se siitä alkoi sujumaan. Ihana neuloa kun ei tarvitse murehtia puikon vaihto kohtia

Micaela Nilsson
Sock trio

Jätteskönt att sticka med socktrio jämfört med vanliga strumpstickor. Jag tycker också att det blev ett jämnare resultat.