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KNITS by cindy ekman

Row counter Lily of the walley

Row counter Lily of the walley

1 total reviews

Regular price €11,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,90 EUR
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Our products should be handled with care.
Avoid to get them wet, keep them in a closed jar or bag when not in use to avoid oxidation that will discolour the metal details.

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This smart buddy every knitter should have in their projectbag, once you get one you will most definatley never let it go!


For each row you have knitted, move one ring forward towards the decoration to know how many rows left before next ex. decrease.

Here you can find a videoclip of how I'm using it!


Assembled by hand  in Finland.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lily of the walley rowcounter

So cute!