The KNITS Project Bag - Your best Knitting Companion
Made from 100% natural materials.
This project bag will definitely be your best knitting buddy for years to come. It is sewn in Maxmo, Finland, by our fantastic seamstress Hanna. Developed solely from the urge for a perfect project bag, it is multifunctional with its many well-thought-out pockets inside and a handle strap to hang on your wrist for knitting walks.
The tag says, "If I can't bring my yarn, I'm not going." a quote Cindy has been living by for many years now. Hashtag never not knitting.
For the lining, we chose an extremely tightly woven fabric to ensure that your needles won't pierce through the bag.
Hand made in Finland for Knitters and crocheters.
For every knitting enthusiast, keeping your knitting essentials organized is crucial. The KNITS Project Bag is designed for convenience, quality, and style. It’s more than just a bag - it's your personal knitting case storage system.
Having The KNITS project bag means having your knitting corner whit you wherever you go. It's a blend of functionality and elegance.